Wall Street JournalIT Job Market Growth Slows

Even with brisk growth in the total number of jobs in US IT job growth slowing

Wall Street Journal Nov 6, 2015 - - IT Job Market Growth Slows - Quoted from the Wall Street Journal:

"Job growth in the U.S. is brisk overall, but the hiring outlook in the information technology sector isn't as robust, a new report showed on Friday.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that the rate of increase in the number of IT jobs is slowing, according to M. Victor Janulaitis, CEO of management consulting firm Janco Associates Inc. After reviewing the data and factoring in Janco's interviews with 92 CIOs, Janco now expects that about 145,000 IT jobs will be created this year in the U.S. , down from an earlier forecast of 160,000. "CIOs are now more cautious in their hiring," he said in a news release. "

Below is a pdf version of the article that was printed in both hard copy and Internet version of an issue of the Wall Street Journal.

IT Job Market Slowing - WSJ

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